Unveiling the Unforgettable Journey of the 2022 Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen

Join us on a remarkable journey as we delve into the extraordinary reign of Madisyn Hollen, the 2022 Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen. From traversing 3,712 miles across Ohio to representing the festival and its captivating allure, Madisyn's year-long adventure has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Get ready to be enthralled by the stories, friendships, and experiences that have shaped her reign.

Embarking on a Royal Adventure

Join Madisyn Hollen as she sets off on an unforgettable journey as the 2022 Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen.

From the moment Madisyn Hollen's name was announced as the new Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen, her world transformed into a whirlwind of excitement and opportunity. With the crown on her head and the sash draped across her, she embarked on a royal adventure that would take her to every corner of Ohio.

Traveling a staggering 3,712 miles, Madisyn represented the festival and its enchanting beauty with grace and charm. As she visited 34 counties and attended 22 festivals, she discovered the true essence of being a queen - kindness, confidence, and courage.

Throughout her reign, Madisyn pushed herself beyond her comfort zone, taking risks and embracing spontaneity. These invaluable lessons will stay with her long after her reign ends, shaping her into a better version of herself.

Gratitude for Unwavering Support

Expressing heartfelt appreciation to the individuals and organizations that made Madisyn's reign as Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen possible.

Madisyn Hollen's journey as the 2022 Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen would not have been possible without the unwavering support of numerous individuals and organizations. She extends her deepest gratitude to the Fall Festival of Leaves committee and its dedicated members for their tireless efforts in organizing this remarkable festival year after year.

Special thanks go to Vicky Mettler, the Queens director, for her constant support and guidance throughout Madisyn's travels. Kala Prose, the pageant director, also deserves recognition for her hard work in ensuring a beautiful pageant every year.

Madisyn would also like to express her appreciation to the judges panel for believing in her and granting her this incredible opportunity. She is grateful to the past queens, McKenna McFadden, Gloria Peters, and Phoebe Cockrell, for their kindness and support on the night of the pageant.

Lastly, Madisyn extends a heartfelt thank you to her mother, who has been her rock and biggest supporter throughout her reign. Her mother's unwavering love and dedication have been instrumental in her success as the Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen.

Unforgettable Friendships and Lifelong Memories

Reflecting on the cherished friendships and memories made during Madisyn's reign as Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen.

One of the most rewarding aspects of Madisyn Hollen's reign as Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen has been the friendships she has forged along the way. From the Jackson Apple Girls to the Wild Turkey Queen and court, and from the West Jefferson Ox Roast Girls to the Commercial Point Queen and court, each encounter has left an indelible mark on her heart.

Madisyn expresses her gratitude to every queen and court member she has met during her travels. Their warm welcome and inclusion have made her feel like a part of their courts, creating lasting bonds that will endure beyond her reign.

Throughout her year-long journey, Madisyn has visited numerous festivals, each with its own unique charm. While it is difficult to choose a favorite, she highlights the Vermilion Festival of Fish for its stunning beauty and friendly atmosphere, the Wild Turkey Festival for its delectable festival food and captivating on-stage performances, the Coshocton Hot Air Balloon Festival for its breathtaking balloon displays, the Jackson Apple Festival for its vibrant night parade and mouthwatering food, and the Swiss Festival for its warm hospitality and lively yodeling competitions.

A Royal Legacy Continues

Passing the crown and sash to the next lucky young lady who will embark on the same adventure as the Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen.

As Madisyn Hollen bids farewell to her crown and sash, she prepares to pass on the torch to the next Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen. With a sense of closure, she imparts words of wisdom and encouragement to the future queen, reminding her not to take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for granted.

Madisyn advises the new queen to cherish every moment of her reign, as the 365 days may seem long, but they pass in the blink of an eye. She encourages the new queen to love what she does and who she does it for, wearing the crown and sash with pride and grace as a symbol of the legacy built by the community.

In closing, Madisyn Hollen, the 2022 Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen, bids farewell to her reign, forever grateful for the incredible experiences, friendships, and memories she has made along the way. Her name will forever be etched in the history of the festival, a testament to her remarkable journey as a queen.


Madisyn Hollen's reign as the 2022 Miss Fall Festival of Leaves Queen has been an extraordinary journey filled with unforgettable experiences, cherished friendships, and personal growth. From traveling thousands of miles to representing the festival and its beauty, Madisyn has left an indelible mark on the community and created lasting memories that will stay with her forever.

As she passes on the crown and sash to the next queen, Madisyn's legacy will continue to inspire future queens to embrace kindness, confidence, and courage. The Fall Festival of Leaves will forever be grateful for her dedication and representation, and her name will be forever etched in the festival's history.

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