Revitalizing Millet Farming: A Sustainable Solution for Farmers in Odisha

In the heart of Odisha's Kalahandi district, a quiet revolution is taking place. Thanks to the efforts of the Odisha Millets Mission (OMM), farmers like Kanti Bhoi are rediscovering the benefits of millet farming. Millets, once a staple crop among tribal communities, fell out of favor due to the shift towards cash crops. However, the OMM is working tirelessly to revalorize millets and promote their cultivation through a farm-to-fork approach. In this article, we will explore how the OMM is supporting farmers, empowering women self-help groups, and revitalizing the millet ecosystem in Odisha.

Supporting Farmers and Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

Learn how the Odisha Millets Mission is empowering farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture.

Revitalizing Millet Farming: A Sustainable Solution for Farmers in Odisha - -956870977

With the aim of revitalizing millet farming, the Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) has been providing extensive support to farmers in Odisha. Through initiatives such as providing seeds, promoting improved agronomic practices, and ensuring an assured market through minimum support price (MSP), the OMM is empowering farmers to adopt millet cultivation.

The shift towards cash crops and cotton farming had led to a decline in millet cultivation among tribal communities in Odisha. However, millets are climate-resilient, low-input crops that offer numerous nutritional benefits. By revalorizing millets, the OMM is not only strengthening the food security and health of farmers but also promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

Empowering Women Self-Help Groups through Millet Farming

Discover how women self-help groups in Odisha are transitioning to millet farming and empowering themselves.

In the Karlamunda block of Odisha, women self-help groups have taken a significant step towards sustainable agriculture by transitioning from cotton cultivation to growing finger millet, kodo, and little millet. This shift has not only diversified their food plate but has also restored soil fertility.

These women self-help groups have not only embraced millet farming but have also become entrepreneurs by preparing a range of millet food items. Their products have gained immense popularity in the local market, generating a significant demand. Mission Shakti, in collaboration with the OMM, has played a crucial role in drudgery reduction and value addition of millets, empowering these women and creating economic opportunities.

Reviving the Millet Ecosystem and Celebrating Tribal Heritage

Explore how the Odisha Millets Mission is reviving the millet ecosystem and celebrating tribal heritage.

The Odisha Millets Mission recently organized an International Convention on Millets, providing a platform to celebrate the tribal heritage of millets and highlight success stories of millet entrepreneurship. The convention not only emphasized the importance of millets as a crop but also shed light on the investment opportunities in the millet ecosystem.

By revalorizing millets, the OMM is not only promoting sustainable agriculture but also strengthening the environment, culture, and economy of Odisha. Millets offer a climate-resilient and nutritious alternative to cash crops, ensuring food security for tribal farmers and rainfed communities.

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