Discover the Exquisite Vanasundari Chicken: A Delicacy from Kerala

Welcome to the world of culinary delights! In this article, we will take you on a gastronomic journey to explore the exquisite Vanasundari chicken, a delicacy hailing from the tribal settlements of Attappady in Kerala. Discover the fascinating story behind this dish and how it has transformed the lives of the tribal communities. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with the flavors of Kerala!

The Origins of Vanasundari Chicken

Discover the Exquisite Vanasundari Chicken: A Delicacy from Kerala - 795194985

Vanasundari chicken, a culinary gem from Kerala, has its roots in the tribal settlements of Attappady. This delectable dish emerged as part of the Attappady Comprehensive Tribal and Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups Development Project, initiated by Kudumbasree in 2014. The project aimed to uplift the tribal communities by providing skill development programs and promoting their cuisine.

Under this initiative, 32 women from the Irula, Muduga, and Kurumba communities received training to showcase their culinary skills. Led by the Adheba Institute for Food Research and Hospitality Management, the training focused on incorporating traditional ingredients and cooking methods into their dishes.

The Unique Flavors of Vanasundari Chicken

Vanasundari chicken stands out for its unique flavors, thanks to the inclusion of a special ingredient called kozhijeerakam or wild cumin. This cumin variety, found exclusively in Attappady, adds a distinct aroma and taste to the dish.

The marinade for Vanasundari chicken combines kozhijeerakam with mint, coriander leaves, green pepper corns, and bird's eye chilli. The chicken is then cooked to perfection, resulting in tender and flavorful meat. The dish is typically served with dosa, tomato-onion chutney, and a refreshing cabbage-cucumber salad.

Empowering Tribal Communities through Cuisine

The introduction of Vanasundari chicken has brought about a positive change in the lives of the tribal communities in Attappady. Previously, the tribal women struggled to make profits from selling their traditional food at fairs and festivals organized by Kudumbasree.

However, with the training and promotion of Vanasundari chicken, these women have gained more footfalls at food festivals, leading to increased income and better livelihoods. They have been able to showcase their culinary skills and preserve their cultural heritage while earning a sustainable income.

Expanding the Culinary Horizons: Solai Milan

In addition to Vanasundari chicken, another tribal delicacy gaining popularity is Solai Milan. This dish is served with a millet-based accompaniment, adding a unique twist to the culinary experience.

Solai Milan is prepared by marinating chicken pieces with a special masala made from roasted shallots, ginger, garlic, coconut pieces, and kozhijeerakam. The marinated chicken is then grilled and steamed, resulting in tender and flavorful meat. It is often enjoyed with upma, puttu, or even biryani made with various millet varieties.

Experience the Flavors of Kerala at SARAS Mela

If you're eager to indulge in the rich flavors of Kerala, make sure to visit the SARAS Mela held from December 21 to January 1 at Jawaharlal Nehru International Stadium in Kochi. This vibrant event showcases a wide array of traditional dishes, including the famous Vanasundari chicken and other tribal delicacies.

Immerse yourself in the culinary heritage of Kerala as you explore the food stalls, interact with the tribal communities, and savor the diverse flavors. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the cultural richness and gastronomic delights of Kerala at SARAS Mela!

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